Hunger Games and Catching Fire by Collins

This is the first book I've ever read by Suzanne Collins, though it's not the first she's written. I must say, I'm totally impressed. The woman is the master of the cliffhanger ending. So if you're looking for a book series with closure, Hunger Games and Catching Fire are really not for you.

The book is set in a futuristic vision of the US, where states have disappeared and been replaced by 12 districts, which are ruled over by the vicious capitol. There were 13 districts originally, but district 13 was supposedly destroyed after a rebellion. To remind the remaining districts that revolution is unwise, the capitol holds an annual Hunger Games. Two children are chosen from each district to compete in the most horrific reality show ever. The objective of the games: stay alive by killing everyone else. The course itself is plagued with deadly obstacles, making survival nearly impossible.

The story follows the tributes of district 12, Katniss and Peeta. Though both are skilled at surviving, Peeta has a problem. He's loved Katniss since he was a little boy. Which will triumph: love or survival? Both of the books start a little slow. It takes a good 100 pages to enter the games, where the action really picks up. If you can hang in there that long, it's worth the wait. The story is riveting and the characters are intelligent and likable. Can't wait for the third in the series to come out.


  1. One of my favorite books. I recommend it to everyone.

  2. LOVE IT!!! I normally don't use all caps, but it was worth it here. I can't believe you made Brittany a nerd with these books. Please don't tell her I said that. ;)

  3. The third book comes out in August, right?

  4. all of these books are the best!!!!!!!!! READ! READ! READ!! and finally... RREEAADD!!!! best books ever!!!
