Be Nice to the Weird Kid - Four Books on a Theme

Since growing up is a time of identity development, there are a lot of teen books out there about dealing with the outcast. The pariah. The weird kid who just doesn't act like everyone else. I've decided to review four of them all at once, since their plots and themes are similar.

Be nice to the weird kid because you may become friends with him.

Buddha Boy is a slim little book (115 pages) that details the budding friendship of Justin, middle-man of the social hierarchy, and Jinsen, self-proclaimed Buddist and non-conformist. Jinsen suffers bullying at the hands of McManus, the king of the high school, but bears it with transcendental patience. Justin learns a deeper appreciation for art and life through Jinsen's tutelage.

The book has some important things to say about the psychology of bullies. It's length and accessible vocabulary make it good for kids who'd rather not read a lot. There is some strong language, but over all, it's a decent read.

Be nice to the weird kid because you may fall in love with her.

Stargirl Carraway is part saint, part gypsy, part flower girl, and 100% unique. She carries around a pet rat, plays the ukulele on people's birthdays, scatters small change for children, and generally looks for ways to help others. When Stargirl begins public school, her classmates are bewildered, then awe-struck, then vicious. Leo, her boyfriend, must ultimately choose between fitting in and dating this lovely but unusual girl. The book is inspiring and beautifully written. It's one of those things that makes you want to be a better person for reading it. It has a sequel, called Love, Stargirl, which is not nearly as good, but this one is definitely worth reading.

Be nice to the weird kid because they could make your life hell on earth.

Giles, the author, spent some time as a substitute teacher, so she's definitely someone who understands high school as an outsider. This book shows that. To be honest, the book is deeply disturbing and a little frightening. Simon Glass is the class ugly. He's smart and rich, but a social disaster.

Rob and his posse are the rulers of the school. In an effort to show just how much power he has, Rob sets out to make Simon cool. With the right clothes, the right physique, and the right girlfriend, Simon's social standing does improve. However, Rob and his friends underestimate Simon. He manipulates and blackmails the boys and eventually, someone is dead and someone is in prison.

The book is PG-13 to R rated due to language, violence, and sexual content. It's thought-provoking, but not for the squeamish.

Be nice to the weird kid or, when he disappears, you'll feel guilty the rest of your life.

This is a powerful book and one of the best of the four reviewed here. It's a must-read for every school kid, though the language and themes make it a better book for high schoolers.

Christopher Creed is the school punching bag. He's well-intentioned, but seriously annoying. When he disappears, leaving a strange note on a school computer, theories range from murder to suicide to him simply running away. Torey, one of the boy's former tormentors, is haunted by his part in what happened and goes out of his way to solve the mystery.

The book is well-written and thought provoking. Everyone can relate to Torey's feelings of shame and Christopher's feelings of isolation and despair. The novel explores some deep issues, like parenting, stereotypes, maturity, and personal responsibility.


  1. My resolve is now firmer to read Stargirl. And that last one about Christopher Creed. And to get a card to the Cobleskill library. And your blog just makes me miss you more. You should come visit :-)

  2. Stargirl is good, but the sequel is crapish. Now, I log on the the library website... I have some books to put on hold.
